Chaplaincy Events

There are many liturgical events that take place throughout the school year:


  • Morning Prayers take place in the school chapel at 8.20am Monday-Thursday. These are led by Mrs A. Kerr.praying-hands-clip-art-6


  • Pro-life Prayers are said in the school chapel, every Thursday at 8.20 am.  These are led by Mr E. Love.
  • Morning Mass is celebrated by Fr Andrew Kingham every Friday at 8.20 am in the school chapel.  All are welcome to attend.


  • November Memorial Mass is held at 7pm in the schooPublication2-e1280941217778l chapel. This mass is in memory of all member of our school community who have died.  Refreshments are served afterwards in the Atrium.


  • December End of Term Service is celebrated by Fr Andrew Kingham in the Benedict Hall.  All pupils and staff are invited to be part of this service which marks the end of term.
  • Feast Day Mass (Friday 5th February 2016) is celebrated by Archbishop Leo Cushley, Fr Andrew Kingham and members of the clergy.  This takes place in our school Atrium and around 1000 pupils, staff and invited guests attend.
  • S6 Interfaith Event – 2015 date TBC
  • February Ash Wednesday – 3 separate services are conducted throughout the day to enable every pupil the opportunity to receive ashes.
  • Holy Thursday (24th March 2016) –  3 separate masses are celebrated to allow the whole school to attend this service.
  • April Mass for SQA success
  • May S6 Leavers Mass – This intimate service is celebrated in the afternoon to mark the end school for the pupils.
  • Ascension Thursday, 14th May will be celebrated by Fr Andrew Kingham at 11.30am.  All S1 to S3 will attend.
  • June End of Term Mass