If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela
Why learn languages?
Class 1B were given the responsibility of designing this homepage. They discussed the importance of language learning and here is what they came up with:
- Your job in the future might involve talking to people in different countries. Jade and Callum
- If you travel to different countries you can communicate with people. Malak and Jennifer
- If you have knowledge of a foreign language you are more likely to get a job. Millar and Antony
- Each child deserves the right to learn new languages so that they can make friends in other countries and speak and learn about different cultures. Aidan and Tony
- If people visit Stirling, we are able to help them find their way and give them a warm welcome in their own language. Frankie and Carly
- It helps us understand the culture of different people from around the world. Ryan and Ellie
- This understanding shows the respect we have for the people of the world and it shows we value the way they live. Cara, Josh and Emma