National 5/ Higher /AH Portfolio for English

Pupil Instructions
All portfolios must be submitted using the Portfolio Template, which can be found:
- On the school website
- In the Prep work folder / English/ Portfolio 2016
- On
Both folio pieces must be pasted in to one single Template.
Each piece must be marked with genre and title
e.g. Personal Essay: ‘The Competition’
Imaginative: ‘Hostage’
Discursive: ‘Energy Drinks and Health’
Your candidate number must be included on each page in the box provided
Portfolios should be printed back to back (on both sides).
The default font and size are Trebuchet and size 11. When pasted into the template, your work may default to this. If so, do not attempt to change this.
Make sure that each piece does not exceed the relevant word limit.