Catholic Education Week

DATE: Sunday 8th to Saturday 15th February 2015

THEME: “Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel”

“The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus.” (Evangelii Gaudium #1)

From 8th to 15th February 2015 Scotland’s Catholic families, schools and parishes will celebrate how they are  “Proclaimng the Joy of the Gospel” in their daily lives.  This theme has been inspired by  ‘Evangelii Gaudium’, the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis.

The resources which will be supplied to schools and parishes can be used to prompt reflection by pupils, parents, teachers and clergy about how the Light of Faith is offered to everyone.

Dates of Catholic Education Week in coming years:

  • 31st January to 6th February 2016
  • 12th February to 18th February 2017
  • 28th January to 3rd February 2018
  • 24th February to 2nd March 2019
  • 16th February to 22nd February 2020

Click on the logo for more information from SCES
