Happy in Lockdown Video

Lockdown School Singalong!

Let’s try this out and see if it works!!

Get everyone involved, the whole family!

I have made a backing track with me singing the main lyrics! This is the part I want you to sing, feel free to add in clapping, harmonies and some dance moves.

If you want to play along click here for the chords.

At the bottom of this page is the backing track both as a video (with lyrics) and an audio file.

You will need two devices to make your recording, one to play the backing track and one to record the video.

Now play it from your phone/chromebook/tablet VIA HEADPHONES, and record a video of you singing/dancing along on a different device (another phone/tablet/chromebook)

We are not looking for great singers- just enthusiastic ones!

Once you have a video you’re happy with email to me at carrgomma05s@stirlingschools.net. If it’s too big to email, you could share it via Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive etc. To do that, basically, upload it to your drive, right-click on it and get a shareable link, and send that link to me at the above address.

Tips for a good final video:

1- Try to stay in time.

2- Look like you’re enjoying yourself. Smiley faces and big clappy hands are always good to see!!

3- Remember we’re not looking for great singers- just enthusiastic ones!

If it works, great, if not, ach, who cares, it was fun trying!!

Stay safe, healthy and happy everyone.


Thank you

Mrs Barrie