1 Term 1 – Pupils in S1 will be provided with a Shakespeare Homework booklet, which includes a range of reading tasks. Pupils should also engage in weekly reading for The Reading Olympics Programme. They will also be required to engage in other relevant reading and the completion of classwork as required. Documents: Relevant resources will be provided in class.
S2 Term 1 – S2 Pupils will start the year by developing their analytical skills. To this end, pupils will use the BGE Textual Analysis Homework booklet. As in S1, they should also engage in weekly private reading for The Reading Oscars Programme. They will also be required to engage in other relevant reading and the completion of classwork as required. Documents: Relevant resources will be provided in class.
S3 Term 1 – This term pupils will focus on Third and Fourth Level Experiences in Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening. Pupils should be engaged in regular reading of both prose fiction and quality journalism and relevant reading. In terms of writing ,they will be engaged in completion of classwork and redrafting of written work as required. Documents: Relevant resources will be provided in class.
Note: This week, all pupils in the Senior Phase will be given a note of assessment and Folio deadlines:
English Assessment Dates Term 1 – 2016/17:
National 5 Folio 1 – 21st Sept
Higher/AH Folio 1 – 5th Oct
AH Dissertation Outline Text1 – 17th Oct
National 5 Folio 2 – 19th Oct
Higher/AH Folio 2 – 9th Nov
AH – Dissertation
(both texts plus references) – 11th Jan
Pupils are asked to note these in their planners for future reference. Please feel free to check these dates. Any pupils who were absent should ensure they speak to their teacher to obtain the relevant information. August 18th
National 4 / 5 – Term 1- Homework will encourage pupils to Analysis and Evaluation and Creation and Production through a range of assessable tasks, across two mandatory Unit. Focus will be upon the specific nature of skills required for the Scottish Text part of the National 5 exam. Close Reading/Textual Analysis Skills should be developed organically, through regular newspaper reading; a personal reading habit, and more discretely through regular practice, using adapted Standard Grade papers and materials provided by SQA. Pupils should also spend significant time developing their Writing Portfolio – two pieces – one Creative, one Discursive. Documents: Relevant resources will be provided in class.
Note: New study aids for National 5English for CfE are now available from Amazon. These should be used to help students progress through the course. September 10th.
National5/Higher – Homework tasks will focus upon development of Critical Reading skills. Teachers will select frequent extracts (or whole poems) for practice analysis. Pupils at this stage should also look to specimen papers on the SQA website for guidance. During this term, pupils should also begin to produce writing as potential Portfolio pieces. Documents: Relevant resources will be provided in class.
Note: New study aids for Higher English for CfE are now available from Amazon. These should be used to help students progress through the course. September 10th.
Advanced Higher Term 1 – Pupils will be engaged in research based upon the life and works of Sylvia Plath. In terms of writing, they will be required to redraft their first of two Creative Writing folio pieces. Furthermore, pupils will be expected to spend a significant amount of time reading and dissecting their chosen dissertation texts. Documents: Relevant resources will be provided in class.